Like many of us who tune in every Monday to watch Latin heartthrob, Juan Pablo, I kind of wish I didn't. This season has been more frustrating than previous seasons because of the need for subtitles- but the jokes my girlfriends can come up with using the word "Juan" have been completely entertaining. I decided that there's a balance of positives and negatives when it comes to Juan-ing to watch The Bachelor weekly.
Juan (1). I have major issue with the lack of teeth brushing. I believe there is something fundamentally wrong with making out with 2-6 members of the opposite sex in one night without brushing your teeth in between. I think maybe The Bachelor organization could team up with Crest as a sponsorship and show Juan brushing in between make out sessions.
2. I have major issue with the friendships between the girls in the house. I don't believe it is natural nor healthy to befriend the multiple girlfriends of your boyfriend (and I use that term loosely). Those who practice polygamy would disagree- something special about the sister-wives - but I really feel bad for these girls who get home from their Juan-on-Juan dates and have no one to discuss the date with except his other "girlfriends". Also, even though some of the friendships seem genuine, how is that possible? One of the other girls from Sean's season was in his wedding, standing as one of Catherine's bridesmaids... WTF?
3. I have major issue with the language barrier. Even though Juan is technically bilingual (why do they need so many subtitles then?), the confusion during conversation causes much more making out... which brings me back to the teeth-brushing issue. Also, he is missing out on the girls who are really effective communicators and have interesting ideas and stories to tell. Basically, this explains why some of the crazies... okay one crazy... is still there.
Support (strangely)
Juan (1). I support judging by appearance. It's life. After high school and college it's nearly impossible to decide you like someone because of their charming personality first. In high school and college we are spoiled with the opportunity to get to know people in class, on sports teams, who sit at our lunch table, who are friends with our friends... etc. You can grow to like someone because they are really funny, good to their friends, really smart or hardworking, and then you slowly start to find them attractive. It's one of those stupid things that we don't realize how awesome it is until it's gone. So now... we must... judge the book by the cover.
2. I support the cat fights. Some people probably found the fight between Clare and Nikki uncomfortable and awkward. I found it open and honest (and was totally Team Nikki). I would much rather see the cat fights than the friendships. Feels more organic to me.
3. I support traveling. For free. With a professional photographer. Who wouldn't? Bring a journal, a camera, and who cares if Juan juans you in the end!